Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Comfort of Home: 5220 NW Jetty, Lincoln City

I Dream of Jetty, Chablis Sands, Roads End is now being touted as "Comfort of Home"

This home is currently listed on Flipkey:
Spectacular Ocean Views with the Comfort of Home
and Craigslist: (usually boasting 75% off)
 $101 / 5br - 3000ft2 - Special! 1-5 Bdrms 75% Off Ocean/Mtn Views Hot Tub Jacuzzi Fireplaces (Lincoln City/Depoe Bay)

and AirBnB:
5 Bedroom Ocean Views; Comfort of Home

The photos posted on each of these sites are the exact same ad photos of the home from our original stay back in 2011. A reputable homeowner, I believe, would update photos.

If you want to spend your vacation time cleaning the kitchen, bath, floors, and doing laundry this is the place for you.

Please, someone figure out a way to stop this person from renting this house to unsuspecting visitors!

The owner name listed on Flipkey and AirBnB is Chanda Z.

The 1.5 stars should be some indication of this homes disaster status.

Included below are photos of the home taken in April 2018 by a renter. 

Friday, April 6, 2018

Also on AirBnB?

This property may also be listed on AirBnB as of March/April 2018. If you have seen a listing you suspect is this same property, please contact me with screenshots or a link to the post. I will do what I can to investigate and post updates.

Monday, March 19, 2018

$101 / 5br - 3000ft2 - Special! 1-5 Bdrms 75% Off Ocean/Mtn Views Hot Tub Jacuzzi Fireplaces

Here's what a little digging will do...

Still says "Roads End" and has photos from prior to March 2011 when we stayed here. Over 90% of the furniture in these photos was broken and damaged seven years ago.


Do NOT rent.

Still Active: Still Looking

Once again, I find that comments pop up from time to time insisting that this vacation rental is STILL a problem in Lincoln City, and may be far worse than before.

No, I do not have a listed way for you all to contact me. I have received threats in the past for maintaining this blog. Also, out of sight out of mind at times. Certain times of the year, or a trip to the coast, brings the blog to mind. So here I am again.

If you, or anyone you know has information (or photos) regarding this property that you would like published to this blog please email LCRentalDisaster @ gmail. I will keep an eye on that email for activity.

If you would prefer, simply LEAVE information directing us to the new name in the comments.

Thank you, and hopefully, you found us before you rented!