Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Better Business Bureau 2019

Somehow she has been able to dupe the BBB and currently has a rating of "A." This is because she has all her words meticulously placed, a "contract" with tidy fine print, and renters who fail to follow through.

The "so-called" cleaning crew, if it exists, does not clean. The pictures tell the story. Read the blog. Do your homework. DO NOT RENT THIS PLACE.

1 comment:

  1. I just got a call today 11/1/2019 of another person scammed. I rented the place two years ago and put so much effort into getting her listings removed from Airbnb and filed complaints with the city to see that it has gone no where. I even submitted requests to local news stations that do investigations stories. I suggest everyone bombard news stations and Lincoln City with all their photos and documentation about their stays. This is unacceptable.
